I'm feeling strangely out of touch with myself lately. Maybe it's because this last week was filled with study groups and exams. I hated how fast time was going because that meant that I was that much closer to entering the dreaded testing center again for yet another three hour exam. I studied my heart out and still never felt quite prepared enough walking through those doors. This is not some plea for pity because I feel very capable, overwhelmed at times, but capable. For that I am very blessed. Even though the week was hard and I haven't gotten all of my test scores back, I knew all of the material on each of my four tests. Nothing came as a surprise to me and I feel like I got really good scores. I won't have another week like this for a couple more weeks so I'm luckily able to breathe. When I got done with my classes today and I knew I was done for the week I seriously felt like skipping.
I do have to say, I feel like I've learned and retained more in the last few weeks of this semester than I have in the last two semesters combined. I love my major and I'm starting to meet people that are in multiple classes of mine. By meeting these people and forming study groups, studying hasn't been nearly as tedious and it's been SO productive. Ironically, I feel like that is the reason I've felt so unprepared for the tests. Studying hasn't felt like studying and learning hasn't even felt like learning!
I'm so grateful for Devin for understanding when I'm stressed out and doing anything he can to help me feel better. He knows when I need to set my books down and play some Wii. He knows when to say a prayer for me to help me fall asleep at night. He knows when to laugh at me when I'm being completely illogical and we both know it. I just love him.
After a week of having every second of my life being scheduled out and feel like I'm on fast-forward, I'm ready to relax and live life at a normal speed! So now, I need something to do! Who wants to hang out?