

I'm always so sad to write the first blog post in months because that usually means that my life has become too insane to take on the simple pleasure of blogging.
That also usually means that my life became so filled with boring stuff that I didn't have much to blog about! That was definitely the case yet again. As some of you may know, I had the semester from h.e.double.hockey. sticks. I had a horrible professor that made my life not so grand! In one of of his classes (I say that because I had TWO classes from him) I wrote over 220 pages of papers. That was just one of his classes and ONE of my 5 classes. Needless to say I have never been so stressed over school and I have also never worked so hard for an A in my life. I have never been more proud of my straight A's-I can say that I definitely deserved it!

This is my last night of freedom before I begin yet another semester at BYU and I couldn't be more excited that it is my LAST! I never thought this day would come but I guess I should save the rejoicing for when the last day of my last semester arrives. This semester is sure to kick my butt with 19 credit hours, two out of town trips with my research team to San Diego and Las Vegas, preparing for my trip to Mexico in May with a group from BYU (to study the sociology of development), and the usual desire to maintain some sort of social life and squeeze some crafts in if I'm lucky. Unfortunately that means that I can't promise a ton more posts for the next couple of months-I will try my best.

So, what am I doing this last night of freedom you might ask? I took Christmas down at my house (always sad and exhausting), I played bunco with my monthly bunco girls and I worked out for an hour and a half! I pretty proud of that last one-I just kept going and worked up quite a stank! I don't own a scale and I know I probably should, but right now I'm just focusing on feeling better about myself and looking better in my clothes. I can't obsess about a number until I feel like I look good again-for me that's just a healthier approach. Once I feel comfortable with the way that I look, then bring on the scale. Only then will I be able to look at the number and say "That's higher than I want it to be, but at least I feel good about myself." I can work on it from there!

Here's to maintaining my stress over school and leading a healthier, happier life in 2012! That's all anyone of us can do...improve in whatever ways possible!