
Snow Day

I LOVE the snow when there is no where that I have to be and I think that snow is an appropriate accessory for Christmas. That means that this morning I was ecstatic when I walked out my door to who knows how much snow! I'm just glad that I didn't have a timeline to dig my car out!

This is a video of Rush playing in the snow. I think it is the most hilarious thing to watch him literally hop around because the snow is way to deep for him. He loves the snow and he loves when anyone will throw him snowballs that he never can find. He really is just finding an excuse to bury his head in the snow and walk around. I just love him so much!
Sorry it's sideways, but it's pretty funny so crank your head to the left and press play!

He also loves when we shovel. He will wait so eagerly until you drop pounds of snow on top of him as he frantically tries to eat it before it hits the ground.

Needless to say, he is very tired after our snow day!

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