
Creepy Crawly

Our complex has a hot tub that feels oh-so-nice at night so Devin and me and his friends have made it a nightly tradition...when it is actually working. (The hot tub was MIA for about a month but it is officially working as of YESTERDAY...such a glorious day!) Anyways, one night towards the beginning of the summer, I was sitting in front of the drain "thingy", no big deal. Then I felt something on my back. I assumed it was just water dripping from my hair. I turned my back to Devin and asked him if there was anything there and he immediately leapt up and started brushing off my back.


The picture is fuzzy (phone camera pic) so I'm not sure if you will understand the heebie-jeebies that I had for days following this little incident. A security guard at the hot tub was convinced that it was a brown recluse...kinda freaky since when they bite, the venom ROTS YOUR SKIN AWAY!!! AHHHH after about an hour of freaking out and examining the markings on the spider, we realized that it was not a brown recluse, it was a funnel weaver spider. Not dangerous or deadly, just disgusting when crawling on your back.
Sometimes I still feel like bugs are crawling on me and I'm sure to always make sure to verify with whoever is near!

1 comment:

JaRele said...

UGH! I hate spiders so much and that is just gross!