
Black Friday

I can guarantee that we had a better Black Friday experience weather wise than all of our Utah friends. Devin and I "bundled up" in our fleeces and were perfectly content waiting outside at Target. We heard the news that Utah was nearing single digits and we felt very fortunate that Arizona was in the 40's at 3am. So yes, we waited at Target but we decided not to camp out. We really wanted to get a new TV this Black Friday, but all of the "amazing" deals were on brands that we had never heard of so we decided to keep looking around. We did however, get great deals on presents for almost everyone on our list this year. I made a list of everyone we were giving gifts to and the count got up in the twenties so Black Friday was a must! We had a couple of minor let downs (a long story would be sure to follow so I'll just have to tell you in person!) but overall Target was a success.
We went home and slept for a couple of hours and went on the mini-golf outing mentioned in my previous post. Then Devin convinced me to muster up enough courage to take on Walmart. Walmart on Black Friday has always seemed like the scariest thing someone could intentionally do to themselves, but it was later in the day so we went. We ended up finding more deals there than we had at Target. Without spoiling any gifts we got people, I can tell you about what we got for our home. We got a 46" Sony LCD TV and it is GREAT! We also got an LG Blu-Ray DVD player that can hook up to the internet so we can stream netflix straight to our TV...I can't wait! We also got a much needed printer. The printer was $20 and came with $30 worth of ink for free...I'd say we made out like bandits! We had a minor fiasco paying for our purchases because we were out of state and making a large purchase, VISA and UCCU thought our cards had been stolen. We had fraud services calling our phones non-stop and even after we verified who were were and verified the purchases, our cards were still frozen! We had to trick them by just going to the ATM and taking the money out that way. So luckily it all worked out and we got our TV we've been looking for for MONTHS! On the way down to Arizona Rush had the entire back seat, but on the way home, his luxury was compromised. We were just lucky to fit the TV in the back seat of my car with only 1" of clearance. We couldn't have planned it more perfectly if we had tried!

When we got back to Utah we rearranged everything and now our living room feels a lot more homey!

1 comment:

Jess and Tom Roberts said...

ugh we want that computer to the tv thing!! we've been looking for a cheap one. luckily we have netflix on the ps3.. but it would be nice for Hulu! Sounds like you got a good deal. and jealous of the 40 degree 3 am weather.