My brother Alex married the sweetest girl on August 5, 2011. I came home early from Dallas to attend the wedding and make their wedding cake. Originally, I didn't think that I'd be returning to Dallas after the wedding, so I drove my car home from Dallas for my brother's wedding and planned on going to Colorado right after the wedding to hang out with my sister and nieces. Since my parents were going too, the plan was to drive out with my sister in her car, stay for a week and a half or so, and return to Utah with my parents. Devin would finish up the month of August in Dallas and drive back (he flew in for the day of the wedding and returned to Dallas super early the next day). Well, the plans changed slightly and Devin was strongly considering staying in Dallas until the end of September and take block classes for the Fall Semester. The night before I left Dallas, I had a meltdown because I realized I may not see Devin for close to two months. That was not okay! We found a pretty cheap one way ticket from Colorado to Dallas so that became the new plan. I would drive home for Alex's wedding, drive out to Colorado and hang out for about a week, and then return to Dallas to be with Devin. If Devin stayed the month of September then we would have just bought a one way ticket for me back to Utah so that I could start school, but if he left at the end of August I would be able to drive back with him. Luckily, Devin and I ultimately decided to leave Dallas together at the end of August so that he could take a full semester of classes and we wouldn't have to spend September apart.
So, August for me meant a lot of time in transition! One of the other girls out in Dallas for the summer also had to be back early and she drove her own car to Dallas as well, so at least we were able to caravan. I drove the 20 hour drive back to Utah alone. Then, after my brother's wedding, I drove the 8 (which turned out to be a 10 hours with traffic) drive to Colorado with my sister, flew out to Dallas, and drove the 20 hour drive back to Utah with Devin. Devin was all hopped up on Rockstars the entire time so we were able to make that 20 hour drive in one looooonnng day. He's the trooper though because he did all of the driving! We planned on staying somewhere overnight, but every time we stopped, he had TONS of energy and was ready to push on! He never once felt tired!
Well, we made it back to Utah a few days before school started and now our lives are devoted to studying and doing homework!
Posts to look forward to:
Alex's wedding
The Incline
2 Year Anniversary